College senior Sally
McGuire coordinated an e-waste (electronic waste) drive-through drop-off
event on Sunday, April 21, at the Winfield Fairgrounds inside Building 6 (4-H
“This event will give Cowley
County residents the
opportunity to discard old electronic items to be recycled,” McGuire
By definition of the Kansas Department of Health and Environment, e-waste
includes all types of obsolete, unused, or unwanted electronic equipment.
The presence of lead in many of the items has caused some states and the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency to express concerns about disposal in
non-hazardous waste landfills.
Electronics were delivered to Asset LifeCycle in Topeka, a state authorized e-waste recycling
facility. This facility accepts laptops, monitors, keyboards, scanners,
cell phones, printers, controllers, and much more. Items are accepted for
free except CRT monitors ($10) and televisions ($20). It is advised to
remove all personal information from electronic devices; however, Asset
LifeCycle assures removal of all personal information upon receiving the
According to McGuire, the project would not have been possible without the help
of Frito-Lay, Inc. in Topeka,
who provided a semi-truck for transportation to the recycling facility
free of charge.